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Watch now: the new stars in your B2B marketing strategy

Adi Pick 1 min read
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Here at, we believe that people buy from people, and influencers help bring a human element to an evolving marketing strategy. In fact, media measurement firm Nielsen states that 92% of consumers say they trust user-generated content such as word-of-mouth recommendations above all other forms of advertising. Last month, we partnered with WalkMe to share some of our insights into how to build a meaningful influencer strategy.

Check out our recently-held virtual meetup for information on:

  • building real relationships with your influencers
  • learning what your influencer goals are
  • why customers success stories are the most powerful way to convert potential customers
  • how to provide champions who want to share their successes with your product
  • how to make sure your relationship goes both ways


Raised in Vancouver, Adi can now be found in sunny Tel Aviv trying to find the best slice of pizza on this side of the Mediterranean while trying to maintain the stereotype of Canadian politeness, eh?
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