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Creative teams

How to manage a creative team: 6 principles to follow

The tricky part about leading a creative team is that traditional leadership advice won’t always work for...

6 min read

The complete guide to managing a web creation business
Creative teams

The complete guide to managing a web creation business

Although it may seem like we are in the midst of a web creation era, we only see the tip of the iceberg. In...

7 min read

14 content marketing ideas from HubSpot’s content team
Creative teams

14 content marketing ideas from HubSpot’s content...

2021 affords marketers an abundance of channels and platforms to publish and promote their content – but...

13 min read

pencil eye
Creative teams

2023 guide to the design process: kick-start your next...

If trying to anticipate customer needs and crafting the perfect product or service was easy, no company would...

14 min read

Creative teams

The creative team leader’s playbook

The tricky part about leading a creative team is that traditional leadership advice won’t always work for...

7 min read

How this award winning product-design studio manages its project deliverables
Creative teams

How this award winning product-design studio manages...

This Singapore-based agency stays on track with

4 min read

How a team of 120 people in 6 locations manages its product design process
Creative teams

How a team of 120 people in 6 locations manages its...

Parchment minimized the nightmare of email.

5 min read