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Control permissions and shared columns with new update

Jackie Goldberg 2 min read
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We’re always fine tuning features based on user feedback and these feature updates were highly requested. From gaining more control over item permissions to avoiding duplicated work and supporting more complex columns in widgets, we hope you enjoy these highly anticipated features.

  • Set delete/move item permissions
    Control which roles can move or delete board items.
  • Boards and columns disconnect when you delete an item or group
    Deleting and archiving items or groups will automatically disconnect connect-boards and dependency column relations.
  • Dashboard widgets support mirror to mirror
    Include data in widgets from mirror columns that point to mirror columns.


Get the details:

Set delete/move item permissions

Easily control which roles can move or delete board items and groups with the new permission category called “Items”. This permission can be configured for the account or workspace.

Here’s where you can find the new settings:

Boards and columns disconnect when you delete an item or group

Deleting and archiving items and groups will automatically disconnect these items (and their subitems) from other boards and reflect only active items in connect-board, dependency, and mirror columns.

Here’s what it looks like in action:

Dashboard widgets support mirror to mirror

No more empty widgets! Now, you can simply display your mirror columns that point to other mirror columns in your dashboard widgets. 

Check it out:


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